• Beauty,  Favorites,  Food,  Healthy Living,  Home,  Lifestyle,  Organization,  Teddy,  Television

    Friday Favorites #8 – 3/10

    Welcomeeeeeee to this week’s Friday Favorites!! Here’s my favorite things from the week 🙂 My New Apple TV This is the big one this week!!! I’ve had an Apple TV for a few years now and I love it. It’s so convenient to be able to mirror any of our other Apple devices to the tv to watch videos or movies. Welllllll the NEW Apple TV has lots more features and apps, and you can use Siri with it too! I’ve been eyeing it for a while and I finally bit the bullet and I’m obsessed with it. The new…

  • Beauty,  Chraela,  Favorites,  Lifestyle

    Friday Favorites #3 – 2/3

    It’s that time again! I’ve started to really enjoy these Friday Favorites posts, because they let me talk about things that are too small to feature in their own post but still worth mentioning 🙂 Eating Samples at Costco Starting things off right….lol. So my parents gave me a Costco membership for Christmas, and Chris and I went there this week to get new tires for my car. While we waited, we walked around the store eating all the samples, and I truly forgot how much fun it is hahah. We tried fancy cheese, sandwiches, chicken wings, cheeseburgers, yogurt, trail mix…it was…